What's Going On?
Wednesdays @ 8PM - Youth at the church Fridays from 7PM - 11PM -- Drop-In Centre Sunday Mornings @ 10AM -- Sunday School

Special Events!
Come out and check things out at the Drop-In Centre on a Friday evening between 7pm-11pm. We have just gotten a new video game in the Drop-In. We have a full arcade version of "Cruisin' USA!" This will be lots of fun for everyone. Come on out and join us!
We have had many great shows with Fighting the Fall! Make sure you check out the website for Fighting the Fall!
WONDERLAND - Spring Celebration
May 8th, with a cost of per person. Includes Thousand Foot Krutch, Relient K and Superchic(k) concerts.
E-mail PT to ask for more information about this event.